In this phone if you using ear phone then the sound quality is nice, but normally is you hear any song then you not feel better, the sound is not good for direct. One thing is very good in this phone, that the phone will never hang on multi tasking also, but the battery is not much powerful as we want. If we talk about style and design of this phone then its very attractive and good looking stylish phone, with 5 inches long screen. This is hd phone ( but not full hd) , have 2GB ram , anroid version 5.0 lollipop thats good, nice camera and 4G facility also available. But according to the value of this phone, the phone is not in reasonable value, thats I feeling after buying this phone , because there are many more mobile which having more advance feature comparing this mobile and even the other phone have a nice budget value. So according to me this phone is expensive, its not woth.
I hope my review may helps you to make a right decision , thank you.