Heats up very quickly. Could not believe it!!! 108 degrees!!! HOT!!! Once it reached 111 degrees.
Battery DRAINS like anything!!!! Dont buy please dont spend your hard earned money on this phone...
Searched on internet about heating and found Design effect!
Go to this link and check for yourself :
https://google.co.in/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=htc+one+x+gets+really+hot&oq=htc+one+x+gets+heated&gs_l=hp.1.0.0i22l3.1459.8171.0.11342., or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=88a35017f0430e25&bpcl=38093640&biw=1092&bih=541
Phew! I am bleeding!