My experience - this phone is my very first phone.when I buy this phone I was very happy to use the phone cause at that time it was vey good phone and very stylish looking phone.
It has a great touch screen and strong body.i, have to say that it has some great features.
Why I purchase that phone - it, s obvious cause I need a phone that time I choose that phone cause my brother told me to buy that phone he his friend has a same phone that time he told me to that he has use that phone and it is a great phone for you that, s y I buy that phone.
Why I like that phone - cause it has a decent body not to big nor small it easily fit in your hand no need to worry about that phone it also has a very cool look.
What bad about this phoen - some time the phone so thats why I dont like tha and the phone screen is also not that protective one time I dropped my phone accidently just from a little height and its screen got broken. So that is a bad fact about it.
You should buy that phone a few year before but now its not worth it but its always your choise.