This time "Hutch is Now Vodafone" chose to challenge its Lowest Risk (ONTIME PAYING ) Customers by OVER-CHARGING extra in their Bills, a minimum of Rs 100 - 114(excluding Service Tax) per month.
Vodafones Game Plan:*
If u are a High User of ISD Bills**:
1) Check for Calls made to Numbers youve never saved/dialed from ur phone book/ or otherwise.
2) Check for SMSs to the ISD Numbers you supposedly called in Your Dreams / while doing something which didnt require a Phone Instrument at all Surprisingly these ISD Numbers(whether called/ SMSsd would be IDENTICAL and the timings would MOSTLY be same, except a fraction of a seconds difference?)
If you are a High User of STD Bills**:
1) Check for Calls made to States/ Cities/ Towns/ Villages not on INDIAs MAP as yet.
2) Check for SMSs to Special numbers, while you were Supposedly in conversation with these "UNEARTHY PLANETARY" numbers.
I got this SMS from a Pharma who is a Vodafone Subscriber since Hutch didnt even exist on Indias Mobility Map & his MINIMUM billing per month is INR. 23, 000/= on an average:
Hutch is Now Vodafone
Naam Badal Gaya
Company Badal Gayi
Pink se RED Ho Gaye.
Fir bhi rahe - -
To All Vodafones Lowest Risk(Like Me) Customers, who till date, month after month, year after year have earnestly paid Hutch/ Vodafone Bills ON-TIME, and GOT nothing but RUDE shocks in return; please Dont HESITATE to switch your Operator, as NUMBER PORTABILITY now is a reality, Just round the corner.
It lets U&I OWN our number and switch the Operator.
Im sure many like me and this Pharma(above) wouldnt mind giving our Respective **Operator a RUN for their MONEY?
Think about this Famous adage: "A Leapord Never Changes its SPOTS."
Lowest Risk Customer wef(1995 - )
In Vodafone Company Records - a VVIP Status Card Holder
NB:** Please dont mistake this to be a SPAM. Its as REAL as Vodafones PUG in advertizements.
DISCLAIMER: The expressions here-in are based on Delhis HNI Customer interactions with Vodafone 111 and not targetted to hurt anyones person or sentiments, in any way/ what-so-ever.