Our Website names is MOUTHSHUT, bec its reallY going to shut yur mouth after recomending u I-mate gam as the 100% satisfactory product, so u dnt need to go anywhere to find more about it.
The physical feature comprise of a ovally rectangular shape with a droad desktop so its highly visible even to the person without a spex who is highly numberd, well its so attractive tht sometime u think whats the need of my wife as I married her 4 her beauty n its beauty shines more than her.
Its like a mini com, so u can access your mails anywhere in the world with the help of a GPRS connection and the most u can handle the desktop with the help of a stick so its save your time using keypad.
It has a bluetooth features with a wireless function and above them an additional feature of inhancing additional memory upto 1gb.
Well what more u want me to say as everythng has been said to u....
Hey now what r u waiting for? upps u r concern about the price....k I will solve tht probelm also.....i cant help u out with the exact rate but help u out with the approximation figure of 13.500k-17.500k
I believe now u dont have any douts in your mind..if u still have than go n buy the cell first else it will be to late n clear yur douts with a free menu with it.
Enjoy with yur new I-mate n plse dnt 4get to thanks me by replying me back.............