IBM Think Pad by the time I bought was Lenovo , but I guess like everyone here I also remembered it as a IBM thinkpad and decided to buy it . I have had the laptop for almost 2 years and more and currently now it is undergoing a minor operation :)
The model came with pre installed Windows XP Personal Edition , a DvD Player software and the regular utilities . With around 40 GB it was more than a normal laptop and I had the oppurtunity to use it almost as a desktop - watching movies , playing games and of course take it to my travels outside city , slept on it ... yeah ;) there was once an incident when I was travelling on a allnighter bus from north bengal and I didnt have a pillow and this thinkpad inside its leather pouch acted as my pilliow for quite sometime .
As a laptop it did have its limitations of being a smaller screen , and being an IBM R52 it was somewhat heavy. But the money I spent - I would say it was well worth .
One of the problems I have however currently faced ( which could happen elsewise I guess ) , is that after long torture on the laptop ( bumps , fall from hand , sleeping on it ;) ) , the HDD has finally died / crashed ... and in such a way that IBM Support told me to not hope for its data or the HDD being repaired. Now , this was a painful process - IBM doesnt check a machine without an advance draft of 1750 ( you can not pay cash , check or credit card ) , they just took a look at it for 5 minutes and told me , that it is dead beyond repair ( the HDD only ) . And getting a replacement HDD from IBM is 7600 Rs :(