If I write, half of the review content will be exactly same as that of anildp. Infact after reading his review, I was wondering whether it is written by him or me.. ;-)
On top of this, I tried these as well regarding the same issue of bank not acknowledging the list of original property documents kept by them.
Sent mails to customer service, which doesnt reply to the point but always the response that Please call our call centre and they will read out the documents for you.
Sent mails to 2 senior officers of ICICI Bank, no response.
Sent a fax to Senior Quality Manager, Directors office, ICICI no response.
Sent a letter to Mr. Kamath, MD, no response.
Spoke to their branch manager several times, no meaningful reply except we cannt give the acknowledgement.
It clearly indicates that there is some large scale golemaal which everyone is aware of from top to bottom in ICICI and this unethical practice is being run with a consensus.
Second point - They will always offer new loans at very attractive rates. The moment you take one, you are caught. In an year, your interest rate will be increased by min 1%. They will continue to offer new loans at low rates(they call it as strategy) , but at the same time they will continue to increase the rates for existing ones. Isnt it funny? It is. But this is their so called strategy to loot poor borrowers like us.
The worst part is that you cannt even transfer your loan to any other bank as the other bank will need the list of documents held by ICICI which they never give.
At the end, who is the looser? Obviously us...
What are the options left? None except taking legal advice.
Please think over this again and again if you want to go for ICICI bank home loan. If you still hope that this can not happen with such a reputed bank of such fame and decide to go with them, I would only say ...