I have a sim since around 4 years now todays day I also using now.once Upon a time when Idea was 2nd best telecom networking company. Now he lost his position due to illigal money income method which was not held up for their company.
Then Idea operator devote to us Idea to Idea under offer 10 paisa per minute and Internet connection was too profitable for user but that is a history now
Todays day Idea provide us 35 paisa per minute and Internet cost is too high tough jio has on market.
Idea network is too bad, internet speed very slow and somewhere network has automatic disconnected by no availability of Idea signal tower range.
Some days ago Idea declare his economy growth what is helded with low profitability and GDP has decrease compare to another previous year.
Idea took a decided to marge his company with vodafone, there Vodafone has been conformed that mou.
I hope that after those merged company give us best offer and this friendship would be help for Indian user.