Cellular companies seem to be on a roll and with increasing competition, they seem to be getting smarter in identifying mechanisms by which they can enrol you as a customer and yet get to fleece you. Imagine you asking a question how much do you charge for a missed call? - think I am joking? Idea has come up with a brilliant one whereby everytime you are out of coverage or have turned off you cell, and you miss a call, you get a message that you missed x number of calls adn to get details, you SMS to some number. And that SMS would cost you 3 bucks. No rationale for the 3 bucks.
And the part that you really need to know is that coverage is defined by them. So I was sitting in this restraunt and after 20 minutes, I get a message that 5 minutes back I had a missed call and I should SMS ....so I was out of coverage but got the SMS and also received the call that I asked my companion to make sitting right there, next to me.
And finally, to drive you nuts, unless you clear your history of missed calls, the next time you get a missed call, you get a message indicating the cumulative of the missed calls. So at the endo f the first week, I got a message indicating I had 20 missed calls!!
I am an idea post-paid subscriber and this service sucks of simply money making.