Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles is about the journey of finding the secret for long and happy life.
The word Ikigai translates roughly to the happiness of always being busy and Japan is known for people having living longer on an average compared to the rest of the world.
The book is 194 pages, comes for ₹; 499 and has hard cover which is very beautiful and will make you calm and smile at first sight.
At some point in our lives we have been in a situation where we are lost, feel low and are unsure of what life holds for us and in turn stressed and that somewhere starts affecting your happiness, your life which impacts your work which again impacts your life cause now you seem to have lost purpose and eventually you leave the world one day in pain. And it has been proven that secret to a long life is happy and healthier living. That’s where this book comes in picture and will help you.
Japan’s Okinawa is said to have the highest number of people who move past the age of 80/90. In this journey to find the reason and secrets of long, healthy and happy life the writer takes us through his journey in Japan’s Okinawa answering all the question, in short, finding the art of living.
The book isn’t like any other self help book which has lot of stories around and no content, this book tries to keep itself aligned with the aim and delivers with crisp clarity the intended purpose by getting straight to the point.
This is a highly recommend book and is a quick read with not so heavy on vocabulary and if not much, it will definitely add some value to your life.
And as people of Japan believe that you need to have a reason to jump out of bed each morning. So go, buy and give it a read and help yourself.
Thank You.