MBA Information needed by MBA aspirants amongst other things available on the website. Also courses like CAT, GRE, GMAT, CET, CSB, CIE, BMA, MCA, SAT, TOEFL and so on are available on the is a website of the coaching classes IMS, as many might be knowing.
It offers courses on CAT, GRE, GMAT, CET, CSB, CIE, BMA, MCA, SAT, TOEFL which u can register online. The FREE copy of the prospectus is also available on the website, if you request for the copy it is delivered at your doorstep.
All the important dates of submitting forms of various institutes for the entrance tests are available along with the examination dates etc.
Analyses of exams like the CAT are given in detail. Some sample papers are also available on the website. Information of various centers of IMS is obviously given on the site and also the fees for the courses .The starting dates for the batches are mentioned.
General information is also available on entrance exams like the GRE, GMAT, CAT, TOEFL, BMA, MCA, SAT and so on, like I mentioned before.
Latest news (on the education front of course!)
Especially for MBA –CAT and CET is given.
You can also Enrol online and pay fees for the courses online. Information about Jobs, About IMS company and also on the latest Admissions for IIM’s-2003 is displayed. Also information on Rank and Score cut-offs of top institutes is available.
The website should share more information about the papers, have more practice tests. And give detailed information on the various specializations available for MBA and other courses alike.
I suggest they put more quality matter on the website to attract people (Students in particular) to it.