This is a public affairs portal discussing and debating various issues of public interest and importance. The categories of topics include; Politics, Community, Sports, Business, Policy, Education, Consumer Affairs, Defence etc.etc. There are articles, features, debates and reactions on a variety of topics. Site layout is simple, spartan, and user friendly. Download speed is quite ok, it could do with some improvements. Anyone who is cerebral, wants to; exercise his mind, assimilate and imbibe various points of view, know about any topic in detail, and wants to post his/her opinion/views on topic which he/she strongly feels about, is an ideal platform.
Hyde Park in London is one such great manifestation of democracy and freedom of expression. Go there anyday, especially on a Sunday, you find hundreds of groups of people, voluntarily drawn into discussions and debates on a variety of topics, right from mundane to the most serious. There is no bar, no inhibitions, no censorship, no control, You are free to voice your opinion and discuss and debate. provides such a Hyde Park for the Indians on the net.