I had booked the ticket through the for indigo 6E_456 for me and my friend Departure to Mumbai from Bangalore on 22nd may 2016 The flight was at 5.20am we reached at 4.30 am.we checked in and they said the flight last call they are making we rushed in the staff said its closed.
The staff said we cannot adjust even for 5 mins.she just yelled for the last call and there was no grace time provided the counter was closed.then why was the last call made just for name sake.even I work in a service industry there is some thing called couertsy but they were so adamant she just did not listen.Imhad to book another ticket and I was not the only one they ultimately were making money by making people purchasing tickets. This act of theres is total unethical these flight company should be penalised for fooling customers they say in the Advt its low price but its not at all u pay double by all this tactics applied.stop fooling customers u may not succeed every time.
I will go in consumer court because this is really utter nonsense. U guys dont have humanity left robots mechanical in this world of customer preference I wish ur licence gets cancelled for fooling people. Stop doing this business. Ultimately u guys must be punished for this I will do come what may and go in legal for this because u dont understand.
Call center is not at all helpful just nothing. I did not have such kind of experience go ahead with such practice lets see how long u succeed because I am not going to let my hard earned money go waste for companys like u who do not help customer at all means at all.This is coman practice which is followed which I heard from fellow co passengers.