I too was eager to join Infosys as a fresher but after coming to Infosys, I repented.
1) Infosys is the software company with the highest attrition rate, this shows work dissatisfaction. many people leave so thats why they always keep recruiting freshers.
2) Infy Banaglore and Hyderabad have good managers and good projects and so the work culture is nice but all the other offices of Infosys at Chennai, Trivandram are not good places to work because of lack of projects( people on bench for more than 3 onths), and the managers are very mean and not good team players.
3) It is literally a modern sweatshop where we have to work atleast 10 hrs per day to be deemed as an efficient employee, too much of stress. The Mysore training is so STRESSFUL, they squeeze a 1 year MS-IT degree syllabus in just 3 months training program, so you can imagine the stress we go though.
IT IS NOT WORTH IT GOING THRU ALL THIS STRESS AND UNHAPPINESS FOR A BRAND NAME CALLEDInfosys. It is better to join in someother sw company for same or higher salary that gives us a better work/family/life balance.
4) Our talents do not get recognition at Infosys office. we jus have to do same routine work which boss tells us.
Overall it is just a satisfactory company for work, Infosys has lost its class and it is just piggy backing on the fame of Mr.NR Narayanmoorthy. Infosys, on its own, is not a nice place to work.
Infy used to be good in the early 1990s but after year 2000, it has gone down a lot and is not a cool company to work anymore.
Ex-Infoscion with two years service there, Chennai