INOX may not match IMAX for sheer scale and hugeness, but its location more than makes up for that - being nestled right in the canopy of Nariman Points towering skyscrapers as opposed to smelly Wadala as in IMAX. Its squeaky clean, brightly lit toilets have surpassed IMAX as far as the wow factor goes. The whole ambience is designed to approximate the international experience as nearly as possible. In fact, my grandpa actually found it better than the multiplexes he had been to in the U.S. But then, everything at INOX comes at international prices, whether its the tickets or the popcorn or coke, exorbitant is not the word for it. Which makes me wonder whether its getting enough visitors in the first place. I have twice been to the place, once for the morn show and then for the matinee show, and on both occasions, I counted not more than 20 patrons! Maybe the evening show attracts more viewers, but I suggest INOX prunes down its prices to stay up and running long-term. As far as seating, picture quality, etc goes, you can simply take all these for granted, theres no need to worry about those at all, its that efficient. You could go there a couple of times, maybe more just about, to soak in the awesome experience. Theatres like INOX make me want to loath shabby Meghraj in Vashi (home sweet home). But then, I aint got enough dough in my wallet to go to INOX everytime I want to see a movie.