JOIN VENTURES SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
An absolute nightmare ordering from Interflora. We ordered roses about one month before they were required only to be told less than 24 hours before due delivery they were out of stock. Next day received an e mail saying they were on their way. Confused telephoned inteflora and were told they were out of stock. As these were for something really special complained and eventually was told that the flowers would be sent f.o.c the next day. Waited in all day nothing arrived telephoned next day to find out where they were and no one seemed to know. currently awaiting call from Director at Interflora but the occasion has now passed and even if we get the flowers the moment has gone. The most inefficient company we have dealt with in many many years. Whilst the staff are polite and try to help, they dont have a clue how to resolve a simple problem. Rating of Poor to Fair doesnt really cover it really need a category carrying the word abysmal.