Shakti Kapoor, the scape goat, how much I pity this guy whom I used to admire a lot before this casting couch thing came up. Media according to me has no right to look behind the curtains (read private life) of Public figures. Just because a person is a public figure known by the whole lot of* junta* out there, it does not mean that he/she is not a human anymore and cannot do anything wrong...
I think that media has to be more responsible here and not try to expose the personalities with a motive to increase the TRP rating. I still remember a similar program on start news where in they expose the sex racket operating in bollywood, if they would have by any chance exposed the lady involved it would have been a grave situation for the heroine, not only did they hid her face but also changed her voice during the show.... this is what I call responsible media, if the purpose of Indya TV was just to expose the casting couch in the Bollywood they should have never exposed the face of shakti kapoor, because he is not the only person doing it (If it happens at all though I still doubt it.)
Coming back to the topic of media invading personal lives of public figures, I would say that though media is answerable to public if any of such things go unnoticed but they should do so with some sense of responsibilities so as to avoid any harassment to any person in concern.
All the public figures also have their families and relationships to which they have certain responsibilities and they as well have their own human instincts due which they might make some mistake any time in their lives... which if exposed in public can severely damage their lives, after all To Err is humane is what is most important....