I have worked this company nearly for 2 years , truly I have never seen an unprofessional company like this . Management is completely corrupted if you are a good resource dont come to this company your future will go on for toss. Its very easy to get in the company but once you will be part of the company you will feel that you have made a biggest mistake by joining this company, dont expect increment , last two years 0 increment to there employee, the most difficult job is to get out of the company , they will not provide u release letter if you are shortfall of notice period which is 3 month.
They will harass you like anything and you will regret why you have joined this company. The company does not have a good project normally there clients are all small business or medium size business with limited scope of technical opportunities, trust me at the end of the day you will be frustrated. Most of us do mistake by comparing it with ITC dont do so you will do a biggest mistake in life itc is like a heaven and joining itc infotech is like a hail .
You will screw all your happiness if you join this company by any chance.If you are a fresher , you may think its a good option trust me dont think of joining this company you will truly regret. The job is secured only if project is there otherwise they force candidate to resign.
Please trust my words ,
Well Wisher