First of all I had no trust on online shopping. how a thing I can purchase from online store lower than its market price. but when I tried it with jabong I can understand. we get goods direct from seller. no resellers no commission, thats why we get it on reasonable rate. And jabong is here with too much products and varities for us. Jabong is an online shopping website which sells apparel, footwear, fashion accessories, beauty products, fragrances, home accessories etc.
They keep coming with amazing offers and discounts, especially during the weekends. Few months ago I purchased a kurta from Jabong. I got it under an offer.The product delivered to me as per schedule. packing was also nice. Even though I got this kurta at discount, I am satisfied with the quality of the material and it is worth of money I paid for it. once I ordered a pair of shoes . But by mistake I got small size. then I consult with cusomer care. And easily my shoes were returned. thanks to jabong for its service.