This is to bring to your notice that I created my profile (SZR7950) on as a free member initially and soon we started getting marketing calls from JS day and night to subscribe for paid membership. As a free member we were getting daily match alerts via mail in our inbox thrice in a day and were asked to get the contact details by subscribing for their paid services.
Their marketing team was following up like anything every day and finally persuaded us to be the paid member in the month of October 2012 for the next seven months. Initially JS team were sending matches as per our criteria though not fully but almost however, in the month of Feb 2013 JS stopped sending ud daily match alerts and Booster service was also stopped without any reason and intimation.
When we contacted the JS service team in this context then we were given assurance that they will resume our service soon. We trusted on JS and waited for the services to be resumed but alas!! it wasnt resumed for the next couple of days then we started the follow up with JS service team in this regard via phone and feedback section on their web-site but this time nothing happened and we lost almost one month in this way.
In March 2013 end, we contacted the girl who approached us for their paid subscription on the ph no 9818664033 and told her the happenings going on then she assured us that she has escalated this matter to her service team as well as senior manager. she assured us that service team will get back to us immediately and action will be taken on our complaint but nobody called up for next seven days. Then we had to escalate this matter by dropping a strict mail stating that if our complaint is not paid immediate attention then well go to consumer forum then their service team called up and asked our criteria for groom search and convinced us to get daily mail alerts.
To my surprise, they relaxed our criteria out of our imagination which is totally unacceptable and started sending mail alerts one in a day on random basis. We again contacted on the above contact no but this time nobody was picking up the phone for continuous one week and when we tried to contact them on their mail ids then demanded of money refund then nobody took pain to listen us and left unattended. We were losing our time in following up with them on our grievance rather than focusing on Groom search.
Half of the April was also lost in this way and we were setting our criteria of groom search in profile ID as as per our requirement again and again since it was continuously changed by JS team without our concern. Below are the areas where JS team was changing inputs without asking to us and later on started sending daily match alerts to us -
Height - JS team has been sending us partner match of 58 to 510 while we set it as 54 to 57
Age - we set age as 31-34 while JS were sending matches of 35-40 yrs.
Marital status - Obviously it should be "Never Married" but Js team was sending Divorcees.
City - All
Smoke - Yes
Drink - Yes
Complexion - All
Religion - All
Caste - All
Manglik - Doesnt matter
Education - High School
Occupation - Looking for a job apart from our criteria
Annual Income - No Income
Moreover, JS team re-showed Interest in those profiles whom we declined earlier. It gave a bad impression about our image to them and we had to reply them on such act.
Since Feb 2013, we got hardly 10-15 match alerts till date and lost our time and money by following up JS and demanding for either extension of services or money back.
I request Forum to look into this matter and help us in getting either our money back or extension of subscription.
I really dont know what to do since we have lost our precious time and money in unnecessary follow up rather than a suitable partner search in all six months.
Thanks and Regards,
Prerna Garg