Talking about jiomusic app it is one of the most latest and most viewed app I have ever seen.To register into this app one should have Jio SIM which is easly available nowadays, simply type your number into Jio app and then create password and thats the jiomusic interface will open and now the option which are available like latest song, album song, singer song, old album, and even you can search any song movie if u know the song and movie name.The most important feature which I have seen in this is that u can play the any music according to your mood for example? u r feeling angry, happy, going to gym, travelling, romantic, comedy, mix, slow, sollo song and many more which I am not remembering right now but believe me frnds this app is great and u definitely enjoy by using can save your favourite song so that when your internet is end u can still enjoy the service.The option of sharing your favourite song to your friends through Facebook, whtastap, twitter and many other social networking sites are there.And also the review of the song and about the data is also provided for knowledge us e this app more popular now adays u wont feel bore at all during any period of time.And talking about its popularity its has been downloaded open 50 million user till today u can also see this in play store and review of this service.This app was introduced by Mukesh Ambani on the behalf of Jio app for people comfort and it provide free services.