I must say that I havent seen Joggers Park although Ive heard a pretty accurate narration of its storyline. Seems to be a rip off of Last Tango In Paris with an Indianized modification. I suggest you guys check out LTIP, starring Marlon Brando, a great movie by a great director - Bernardo Bertolucci (The Godfather, Last Emperor).
LTIP was a cult movie during its time and still is. And very very controversial. People who watch this movie (good luck trying to procure it in India- I had to order from amazon.com), will either be amazed at the sheer chemistry between the lead actors or merely consider it to be a disguised pornographic film. Either way, LTIP will space you out...
Also, the ending has been changed to make it seemingly acceptable to Indian audiences and the story itself differs from the original in a way that in LTIP, the heat between the old retired wannabe-rock-star-drummer (Brando) and the bimbette is more physical than anything else (plenty of nearly grotesque sex scenes) whereas Joggers Park seems to be well - a decent gentlemanly-ladilike interpretation.