The critics are panning this movie and I think theyre way off base. What type of movie were they expecting? Atonement? No Country for Old Men? I wonder if they have a check sheet with "key points" to mark off when they review a film. That would make sense for the lack of vision they displayed when reviewing Rambo. One reviewer said something along the lines of "Stallone looks like a shriveled prune." What an as*hole! Uh, yeah maybe he is a little older, so, that makes this a bad film?
Rambo does not deserve the bad reviews it is getting from the critics. On the contrary, it is one fantastic movie! It is pure excitement and thrills. One hell of a ride! The poignant thing about Rambo is the violence. Not senseless violence, but honest violence in its purest sense. I know I may sound like a violence and action junkie, but that could not be farther from the truth. I think it is way overused today in Hollywood. However, Rambo shows us this “ugliness” in a much different way, that is quite surprising. Rambo takes place in Burma. Burma’s problems with genocide that are going on right now are quite real. Rambo opens the viewers eyes to this, and does it in a very real way. We see how horribly the "bad guys" in the movie treat innocent people. When Rambo, and a group of mercenaries, combat these villains, the audience feels a sense of justice and fulfillment. We get to see true evil destroyed and brought to its knees.
I know this review doesnt address "key points" of the film. It also isnt a typical review in the pure sense. I dont have time for that this morning. The point I am trying to stress is that Rambo is a damn good movie. Its worth seeing. Its definitely worth spending$10 to go see in a theatre. Dont wait to see this on DVD. It wont have the same effect! Film Critics, you couldnt be more wrong about this movie. Film audience, you will, more than likely, be thrilled and satisfied after leaving the theatre. There is a lot of positive "word of mouth" about Rambo that has been spreading since its release. Lets try to spread the good news about this movie!
Take care.