Want to go see a totally crap, gratuitously violent, moronic movie? One where the plot won’t be too difficult for numbskulls like us to comprehend? Drag your wife or friend to go see this “chick flick” Rambo 4.
Review: A- (if you’re coming from the point of view stated above, otherwise a C-)
Being that it was the first night opening of this once sell out actor/director Sly Stallone, we got our tickets a little ahead of time and arrived 15 minutes early. Surprisingly the auditorium was about 1/3 rd capacity by preview time and a few more trickled in during the previews. Mostly guys. After the requisite 20 minutes of previews and turn off your cell phone pleas, the opening credits began. As the name Sylvestor Stallone scrolled up the screen, you could hear someone in the back of the room yell “Adrieene” ala the ending of Rocky I. The first glimpse of Stallone confirmed one reviewer’s report of having a face that looks like a severely over-charred frankfurter. Not a lot of dialogue, but lots of attitude and dour facial expression true to all of the other movies in the series.
A full circle from Rambo I, where the hero is spat on upon coming home from Nam by the peacenick do-gooders, this movie brings him back home from his wretched existence in Thailand by those peaceniks who end up needing him to save their skins. The plot is not too convoluted. Basically Rambo is begrudgingly brought out of his wretched solitude life because of the urging of a young, idealistic woman who’s courage and idealism he somehow admires somewhere in the depths of his war-scortched brain. When her life becomes imperiled, he is motivated once again to become RAMBO! He kills, burns and blows up everything that gets In the way of saving her in battle scenes that rival the opening of Saving Private Ryan, and despite incredible odds he prevails, saves the girl and is inspired to return home, hopefully to find peace in his tortured life.
There are all sorts of body parts flying; wicked evil bad guys, blood, gore, flesh eating hogs, toughness and violence throughout, and… several audience members taking a afterward could be heard expressing their enjoyment that this might have been the best Rambo in the series. So much for the professional critics once again!