Forget all the negativity! Ppl were clapping at the end of the film. I wont reveal much but in short, all I can say is, this final Rambo is the best of the series, its got perfect story, perfect casts, excellent action; very very rambo-ish, superb ending(to those of you who seen it, you know wat I am talking about), Its not all about mindless action, this movie has got every aspect that you would want in a film, heart and soul. With that I say a full 5 stars to RAMBO.
To those whod think there would be a 5th Rambo, go watch the film and judge for yourself if you would want a sequel. From my side, I think the 4th Rambo had properly wrapped the entire series.
Its a good film I dont know why here on moutshut its rated so low, basically if you dont like vilont and gore and blood stay away this is a mans film.
stallone does amazing he lives the rambo chrector people that are saying he is too old well I would like to see you at 61 years of age running around the jungles and for all you hatters he is doing another rambo.!
amazing film go check it out.