It has been very hot here in Oklahoma this summer, and despite my drinking a LOT of water, my skin has still appeared to be mildly dehydrated. New wrinkles have been appearing on my face daily, despite regularly repeated treatments with my old favorite, Oil of Olay.
Now, I am not overly vain about my appearance, but I still do not want a face which resembles a road map. Not now, or even when I am 80!
While visiting my daughter this weekend, I noticed a bottle of Johnsons Baby Lotion with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E. Nearly everyone has heard of the benefits both of these ingredients can have on your skin. So, I thought I would give it a try.
After cleansing my face, I applied a small amount of the lotion. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that many of the wrinkles had disappeared and the deeper ones were not nearly as noticeable. Later, in the afternoon, the results had not changed. Hours later, I still was showing less wrinkles.
I was so impressed that when my daughter and I went to the store, I bought a bottle of my own. I am adding it to my daily skin care regimen. Who knows, with perseverance, my wrinkles might ALL go away!
Yeah, I know that is totally unrealistic, but it sounds nice, doesnt it?
The added benefits of this lotion is that the aloe and vitamin E help protect my skin from exposure to the elements, and it has the delicate scent which is distinctly Johnsons.