I was having a lot of problems with Firefox as it was using up too much of my CPUs power so I switched to Chrome. However Chrome too was problematic in the sense that it was too memory intensive. Opening more than one tab in either of these two browsers would make my computer slow down to a crawl. Luckily, I read somewhere on the net that K-meleon is supposed to be a very fast and stable browser and once I installed it and gave it a test drive, I was pleasantly surprised. This browser is fast, really fast. Even if there are a lot of elements and flash advertisements on a webpage this browser provides a silky smooth browsing experience. None of the problems present in both Firefox and Chrome are there in this browser. Having said that it also doesnt have a dedicated developer community behind it and from my limited research on the matter I havent found even a few number of add-ons designed specifically for K-meleon. However that is the only negative point about this browser and besides that this is the fastest browser that Ive seen. Therefore I highly recommend this browser to users who want a browser that provides a smooth browsing experience while using minimal amounts of CPU and memory.