Hrithik roshan and yami gautam play two visually -impaired people in love
He is a dubbing artiste , she is a pianist, they are both happy go lucky with a thirst to live lifevto the fullest. They are both blind too but the way hrithik roshan and yami gautam play the leads of kaabil , it is more incidental than the central focus of the filam. They roman ceon rakesh roshans bongs kaabil is a sanjay gupta filam,
And in his films the perfect cannot last for too long, the idyllic world of haithik and yami is destroyed once rohit roy and ronit roys baddies enter in, yamis supriya will fade out of the life of hrithik, leving a vacum that only revenge can fill. To be him, he tries the police first but the hands of men in khakhi are tied for the ronit plays a politiccan , a corrupt one at that .
Watch harthik rosan mimiccs Amethabe bacchan
Nice moive and good conspet