This film is about 2 couples and an extra marital affair. a nice shift from karanjohars usual candyfloss romance.or should I say karan johar is following a trend since extramarital affair s are in fashion,
well the best part of the film is that there is no practical reason for the extramarital affair.
The film shows that u cant force someone to luv u and marrying a person doesnt mean luving a person.the reality in indian society is that majority of the people marry according to their parents choice. Most of the female population of indiacan identify with a woman who marriies a man of her parents choice, cooks food for him, gives birth tohis children end spends her entire life with him but doesnt luv him.
so the charachter of rani is so true. she falls in luv with dev and develop a relationship vth dev outside marriage for no reason at all because luv doesnt need a reason.
the problem vth KANK is that there is no reason for the extra marital affair
well the indian public needs a reason. why is rani not happy with such a luving husband.? y does she need someone else? the film puts questionmark on the scancity of marriage as an institution.
if u want luv marriage y had an arranged match at the first place. what right does one has to play vth others lives. I think the film should have advocated live in relationship cause if after getting in a relationship u find it is not working u can walk out vthout any legal hassle.
if dev and maya r not faithful to their spouses who luved them they could be unfaithful to each other also so best solution live in relationship.
THE film is good only for an unconventional end but still the film doesnt leave an impact because its dull and boring.
who wants such cynical characters like dev and maya.
thank god the film has senior B and junior B vth pretty zinta.
they are fantastic and luvable.
aggod enough movie but forget oscar karanjohar