I recently signed up to receive programs from STAR TV here in the USA. The package includes STAR Plus, One, MTV Desi and Star News – The networks shows programs like Kahi to Hoga, Kiyunki, Baa, Bahoo, Akad Bakkaad, Sai Baba etc. and a host of other pathetic programs, including news by incompetent news anchors, and soft porn on MTV Desi.
To say that I am appalled by the standard of these Hindi programs with similar themes across the board would be a gross understatement. It calls into question the intelligence of the producers who apparently lack any originality and creativeness. Most programs have the same sound effect, music and storyline.
Also some of the so called comedy programs that have canned laugh tracks and elementary school humor are beyond pathetic. Is this level of entertainment the Indian market understands and demands or are there any more original programs out there?