God help me! What is this program? well, it starts off as a story of five sisters and within 125 episodes, its the story of three sisters, the other two being kept as sideys for now.
The hatch is something like this.. Kashish is loved by two men, who are fast friends, Sujal Grewal and Piyush Raheja. Since Balaji telefilms didnt get any other storyline, they made two sisters of Kashish fall in love, while one even sleeps with the Sujals younger brother and becomes pregnant for another hundred episodes.
How in the hell, can a man have an affair with two sisters of the same family, when the eldest is married to his elder brothers fast friend? Keep in mind, that these serials are aired in the international channels too. So, god knows what ideas they have about us Indians and our relations.
From episode 125 to 130, Sujal has somehow forced Kashish to work for him for two years, for the 200 crores loan. Piyush is attacked fatally and all the characters are in the hospital. Wow, that was all that went on thru these five episodes. First off, why is Kashish called Di, is it to remind us of Princess Diana, the epitome of female individuality? Kashish is nothing but a doormat who flutters her eyelashes cheaper than a Foras Road street walker.
How can she be compared to Princess Diana? Secondly, which younger brother could call his brother Big B day and day out? I dont think so. No sir. What does Ekta Kapoor think she is doing with serials like this? Is this her tribute to the Indian woman? All her serials show the women as submissive cows.
Is this the picture of women she wants to show to the International media?