Review : This movie directed by karan johar is as extravagant as his before films ..the music is very good as usual wit Karans movies.....They make a good listening.Preity is as usual in ease wit her angry young woman character.Saif is all to good wit his comedy.
Now some imp analysis of this movie...God why is this movie said to be directed for Indian audience is all shot in America..India doesnt have good places to shoot even family dramas..A Indian hero(icon) keeps on endorsing the American flag in the it necessary?
SRK how many times will he do the same character..he cries...wen he talks that way of talking.He is all play boy in the first half..people laugh and wen such a character is found to die in the second half they cry and termed a hit..In how many films didnt we see this same thing..
One of the mot baffling things in the movie is the audience is not informed abt the deadly disease which SRK has ..for Gods sake we r not even told the name of the disease..Which deadly disease in the world keeps the person all glamorous just until he dies..SRK though abt to die..he looks like the most healthiest man around..until he spoils his face wit all that crying but not because of disease..
Saif..hasnt he done the same character in DCH..should we see it again and again..the same gal weakness ..though he was comical , he was just doin the same thing...same wine in a different glass...thats all.
Hey people who havent seen the movie..The first 15min or more of the movie is introducing the characters for us..because we cant remember them even for2.5 hrs..and there r in total more then 30 min songs ..Wat is the actual story time then that unnecessary characters(jaya bachans so called modern, sexy frnd I forgot her name in the movie , SRK s uncle..they never intefere in the story line)
Karan.. Does he know wat is the difference between friendship and all of his movies..the best friends r aways a boy and a gal wat if both of them r boys.or gals..and they cant leave each other..???
Should they marry..hahahaha. Yes people this is wat karan has been tellin in kuch kuch..or kal ho na friends have to marry..they fall in love.. On a whole if people want to enjoy this movie they should go with blank minds and should not apply any brain while watching because even the director forgot to think whle making this stereo type dumb movie..