Oh my goodness I mean u have to see the movie to understand why titanic has nothing on kal ho naa ho.heaven help me but I am in love with sharukh all over again.i mean I watched the song mahive (hope that is the spelling but if it isnt, forgive me im not indian!)on ZEE-TV and just loved it but I hadnt seen the movie until last night when I bought it.i mean the movie had me bawling my eyes out.
ok the movie is basically about an indian family in america.the father committed suicide and the eldest daughter that is naina who is played by preity zinta is uptight becos of all the blows life has dealt her and the family.she has a friend called rohit who is her friend.then one night she prays for an angel to help them.then enters sharukh.he brings about a huge spell of goodluck and naina falls in love with him at the juncture where rohit realises he is in love with naina as well.sharukh vows to help rohit attain nainas love though he himself is in love with her.he chooses to help rohit becos he has a heart condition and he had little time left to live.it really broke my heart the way he went about getting them together.one of my favourite scenes was at the school where she found out rohit was taking sharukhs help to get her love.the way he spoke of his feelings while calling them rohits feelings broke my heart(my eyes are stinging right now.i want to cry!!!)then when they found out he was going to die soon and it hit home that he really loved her but couldnt be with her I did cry.it was too much.watching them get married was pure hell.i couldnt stop crying.and the end, where he says farewell to everyone, i somehow wished rohit would die and have his heart given to sharukh so he would live.but alas, it was not to be so.it is positively the most selfless thing person can do.most people would rather hold on to the girl until they die but knowing that naina thought that everyone who loved her always left her and went away, if he had told her of his love and later died leaving her alone, it would have been selfish of him.my bible says greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for a friend...and that is exactly what sharukh did.
this should have been called the greatest love story of all time.it has heart, soul and the power to break the hardest heart.i mean I likened what sharukh did to the love of God(Gods love is far greater but it can be related) and the demonstration of love in this movie can heal a wounded heart.ill tell anyone who hasnt seen the movie, though it isnt recent, go and see it.it will make you fall in love with indian movies and actually believe ib love again.it is simply the best.