You want goosebumps???
Read this novel Quite frankly, Im not the type to allocate myself time to read a novel, especially if its as fat as this one!!!
I recall it being the 16th day of the 12th month when my unusuall package arrived. It was from my accounts professor, the only other person other than my parents and sister who knows me like the back of his hand. We became very good friends around the years, and he hates reading novels!! He spends his time painting. Anyway, I opened the package only to find, to my greatest surprise, a novel named Kane and Able by jeffrey Archer, and neatly folded and attached to the book was a small note. These are the exact words as on that note: Vernie, I know you hate reading Novels, but you have to read this. Put in one percent of your trust in me right now, and when you have finised the last page youll call me to give me the remaining 99%. At least read this as a punishment for all those years you troubled me in college! Wishing you all the best, Lotsa love and Merry Christmas, Richard Anchi.
I was still in a state of confusion, while I turned to the first page..... I suddenly realised that I was HOOKED This book got my every attention, and from then on I found myself with the book everytime and anywhere.... I lost track of time... even missed an appointment at the Pub once!!! This book threw me into places I thought existed only in storytellers minds. It took me through situations I had forgotten, and that are quite true.
This guy Jeffrey Archer seemed to me like Spielsberg to hollywood or Einstein to science!!! God hes Good. I read the entire novel in a span of four days, and nights, id like to add!! No one I know can explain situations and occurances like the Archer. I tell you if you havent read this.... you are missing something!!!! Iregret not reading this vbefore... I may have been a different person now!! This book shows you that you dont have to be born rich to be richer than those who are. Mr Archer has used the example of two really great men.
I must tell you I had a thirty minute conversation with my professor, he expected it.. I gave him the remaining 99% I owed him.
Im an Archer fan now... and plan to read all his works. If you havent read this yet... I assure you that after you have... you will too, want to read all his work.
I feel theres nothing to stop me from wiriting Hats Off to the Archer!!! the most powerful one of all, truly the pen is mightier than the sword!!!