Srk is doing amazing and people are loving this show like crazy and srk is far of a better host then big b which was really boring and the show did die in the last year people where getting really bored with his show. the a man came to save this show, he brings light to this show with his face and then the video hits kar le kar le. The show is re-born! with a better host
*SRKS Hosting skills
*He makes the audience enjoy the show and also the person at the hot seat smile, its not a boring show he brings alot of humour to the show, he makes you laugh and enjoy this game show some of his quotes have become famouse.Eg "Freeze it"."Kacha kach, Packa packa" his wife calling him at the end of each show. He is more younger and more full of life he has amazing energy in him and he looks good hosting at filmfair he did an amazing job and brought life to the show if you noticed filmfares are not that great of srk does not host or perform!
*Srk is coming out with a new album hip hop soon but the kar le song is a huge hit! his dancing is really good and he looks fresh, the album kar le is out and is selling very well and the video on youtube has been viewed alot!
KBC doing better then old KBC?
and young! the show here in the Uk is being advertised everywhere before no one hardly watched KBC now my parents and everyone I know are watching the show and is becoming more popular!
*Big b might be a legend but he is not a better host then srk and he is not entertaining as much as srk! Srk has brought life to a boring show and he does excel and succed very well and he is rocking and the show is a blockbuster hit!