Horrible experience with Kaveri City taxi service. They said they will arrive in 30-40 minutes but finally arrived after 2 hours and didnt inform the proper arrival time - had to make calls every 10 minutes and everytime their reply was "coming in 5 minutes." They delayed the arrival purposefully so that they could charge 1.5 times for night service. And thats not all. They said they will have meter on the taxi but the taxi did not have meter. On asking the driver said he will count from the meter of the vehicle (speedometer). But that was SEVERELY TAMPERED. For a distance of mere 12 km it showed 40 km.
On pointing this out, the driver started shouting and tried to bargain that give money for 35 km. On calling their control room they further bargained and said to give Rs 350. When we threatened to call the police they first said "You can call the Police - we deal with the police everyday - we give money to them!!!" Just take a note of their arrogance!!! Then they said "You first settle our bill with Rs. 350 and report to the police next day." Then only when I refused to give any money and actually showed them that I had my localitys police station number and was serious in calling the police that they gave up and were ready to settle the bill properly.
The end result, More that four hours wasted for a journey of not more than 1 hr and Horrible experience.
I suppose you would never call their number again.