To be Veterinarian is real hard. A profession that has not earned respect in the society despite the hard work done by veterinary doctor. If you choose veterinary as your career or you find that taking care of animals including pets, birds is the ultimate goal:you should never doubt on to have look on Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University(KVASU), Wayanad, Kerala. This is one of that institutions that make best veterinarians to the world.
Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University(KVASU) established in December 2010 as a full-fledged University, offers education, research and extension services in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Located in Pookot, Wayanad, in the State of Kerala, South India, KVASU comprises two Veterinary Colleges – College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, at Mannuthy and Pookode respectively; one College of Dairy Science and Technology at Mannuthy; and Research Stations, Veterinary Hospitals and Farms in different parts of Kerala.