Someone has written that the Kinetic Dx is for a man...thats absolutly true!!!...coz its bulkier & designed very manly...
BUT, wait a minute!!!..what abot a ZX??...seems like a heaven for a girl!..I was just 18 when I took a ride on the DX..& later when I had to park it..(DOUble stand)..had to call & depend on 3 bystanders..that was that..I decided I wod not take anything this heavy!..
Then came the season for change..& I took a test ride of ZX...my first opinions...
2.COLORFUL...it makes u feel u advanced from a Blackwhite to colorful film!..
3.mileage..40 km per lt
- THE BEST & THE BEST!!!...Twas lighter thn ever...
so, I started loving my bike..it was envy of my frnds..& also helped me take 3 of thm at once to the bus stop!....
fastest of its kind!..& easily manageable...t gave me a sense of belonging...
My famous black kiney....still is there...after a period of 6 years...& its one of the best!...Now iam married..& I had to leave behind my Kiney...Here in USA...I miss it as much as I miss my parents...becoz it was teh symbol of my Independence...
Altho well known thru out for riding very fast..I never did have any falls...the only one fll I had was when a guy bashed me up with his DX...& my poor ZX had to fall off on my feet...but I did not find any probs with it...except for a broken glass...
Well, I wod recommend tis bike to anyone..who does not want hassles...no servicing for months & months!!...& good looks!!...
I love my Kiney...when my people thot of selling it...I opposed..having a hope in my mind..that I may come back to India...& ride it once more...
A journey on kiney frm my maiden days to married days!!!