Thanks to everybodies for their honest feedbacks on the air deccan review. since I already touched the airways and the airlines subject I thought to write some of the thoughts of mine on the other airways and airlines which I have flied on. so today I write about the kingfisher experience.
in my life so far I have flied in many airways and airlines. I think that the flying experience is a very important part of the vaccination and the holidays. if the air experience is the poor then the holiday gets affected and it may all go to the waist. so choosing the correct airways is very important.
of all the international and non-international airways I have flied in the best without the doubts is the kingfisher airlines ownwed by the good doctor vijay mallya. I must take the hats out for the good doctor. he is from the beer business and has started the airways company. many of the persons would have laughed at the good doctor when he started the flying business but he is laughing at all of the laughing persons now. he has himself personally taken care to make the sure that the kingfisher experience is the best in the indian skys. he even gives the persons his personal email address so that they can get back to him with the feedbacks and tell him how to improve the services of the kingfisher airlines. now how many chairman persons do you know who would give the personal email id to the common publics? this means that he is very interested in giving the common persons like the us the best of the service in the air and on the earths.
kingfisher airlines has both the atrs and the biger a320 machines which they fly to and from different metros and the smaller cities of the india to the other cities where they fly to and from. they do not fly outside the india now, but they will fly in the future if the good doctor does what he promises and I know he will.
when you come to the airports in whichever city you are leaving the city from you will find the kingfisher persons waiting to lift up your bags and help you with the check ins. these persons are nicely dressed in the red costume and look smashing. no other airlines I have ever seen or heard of in my life has ever done this ever. this makes the flying persons feel good and the special once he or she as the case might be enters the airports. there is hardly any queue at the check in but this does not mean that there are no persons flying the kingfisher. but it means that they are managing the crowds of persons very well. the check in persons are very nice to talk to and service your check in process with the smile. here itself the flying persons know that they are in the good hands.
the kingfisher announcers are not like the common announcers of the other airlines and airways who shout at the flying persons like they are the goats. the kingfisher announcers are the polite persons and they request the flying persons like they were the royals. which makes the flying persons feel good and nice.
unlike the many other airlines and airways the air hostesses in the kingfisher are very pleasant and the sweet persons. they greet you when you enter and leave the aeroplane. they serve the flying persons with a smile which makes you feel very nice. big attraction on the kingfisher experience is the tv on the seats which shows four channels and the ten radio stations. the headphones are the free for the persons to take home and share with their friends, well wishers, and family. the food items in the air is good. in fact it is very delecious and nice. I do not know about the chicken as I am pure veggie girl. another good thing for the boys and the mans are the airhostesses who are the very nice looking and in the nice red uniforms like the persons who lifted your bags, but these are the female persons.
the flight did not have that much of the up and the down movements. which is very common in the low cost airlines. now why doesnt all the persons fly in the kingfisher? why do the persons go to the low cost airlines? the answer is in the name "low cost airlines". kingfisher means more money and for that money you get good service. so it depends on the persons priorities and his or hers financial situation.
i choose the kingfisher anydays over the other airlines of the world but money is important to me so maybes I will fly only once a year in the kingfisher to enjoy the experience and then save the monies by flying on the others.
thank you dear doctor for giving us such a fantastic and nice experiences.
keep up the good air experiences.