Kingsman The Golden Circle is directed by Matthew Vaughn and stars Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Julianne Moore and many other big names and is a sequel to Kingsmen The Secret Service. I loved the first Kingsman and I thought it was very different from the spy movies we normally get to see. I sure was skeptical for the sequel because not many sequels live up to the original and Kingsman The Golden Circle sadly is a disappointment. Taron Egerton is really good in this movie and I look forward to seeing more of him in other films. Colin Firth(Harry Hart a.k.a Galahad) is back from the dead and thats not a spoiler since its in every promotional Poster and trailers and is good too. Pedro Pascal(Agent Whiskey) gets more screen time than I expected but his character wasnt very good and Channing Tatum(Agent Tequila) and Jeff Bridges(Champagne) get next to nothing to do in the film which was a major con for me. Julianne Moores villain sucked, her motivations were non existent and her plan was just stupid and outlandish. And yeah Halle Berry was in there somewhere. The film sure looks amazing and the action is fun to watch be it a bit over the top and the music is loud and exiting and makes the action feel more fast paced. Since were on the subject of action, Matthew Vaughn directs the action very well. The fight scenes were past paced and really well directed and probably the best part of the film. Coming to the plot, it was idiotic. The film is badly written and the second half got me bored. The original film was a little bit over the top, sure but this one tries to up the scale of over the top-ness but just ends up being very stupid. The jokes are all not at all funny but funnily I found people laughing in the theater from time to time making me wonder whats so damn funny.
So Kingsman The Golden Circle is a good time but also quite a disappointment. I would recommend this movie solely to fans of the franchise but if you hated the first one then theres no chance youre gonna like this one. I give Kingsman The Golden Circle 2.5/5