From my childhood I had seen that my family members always purchased the kissan sauce montly. My parents always told me that to avoid the souce of fast food center, they suggest me to bring the fast food in home and feed it with kissan sauce. Once I asked to them why did they prefer kissan sauce only. Then they answered me- kissan sauce metained good quality and its not harmfull to health like other souces. So automatically I also prefer the kissan sauce at every time. The taste of kissan sauce is really antique. It has a Khattamitha taste which can attract every people. Without kissan sauce no fast food is applicable to me. Sometimes I ate the kissan sauce witout any food. I dont know why, but kissan sauce has a different tase which cannot give any other sauce company. So my entire family members including me have all trust in the quality of kissan sauce and according to the taste kissan sauce is increadible to Indians and specially to us.