When Mtv started publicizing this serial, I had more of anxiety than excitement as to what would mtv churn out. Though did not get much of chance to see it in the initial phase, but of the few episodes I saw, I kinda started to get glued to it. but it was not to be....
Great start I would say for Kitni mast hai zindagi, showing things away from what other tv soaps are showing, lives of young people who give a damn to the world...
But slowly and steadily it has moved to something which I hate, all the emotions coming into the picture, lots of wicked minded people, plans throwing out of my attraction in one shot.
Great expectations I had from mtv...nothing fruitful, not a great serial at all.... and today I dont even know where is it heading towards, havent seen it for a long time...
And anyways though I liked the idea from the beginning as mtv anyways had dropped a lot since my child hood days, when it was all about music, to doing a lot of crappy things, Bakra being the top on my list, I thought that this may give a breather to me from all those stuff but it was not to be so.....overall I am not satisfied with the quality..
The cast seems to be promising though. The girl Ananya seems to be promising, but still has to work a lot on her to get into the mainstream serials(She is not there in anyone I hope)....
about other factors- nothing much to say
And after all: All that gliiters is not gold...