What the hell? hasnt this series still finished? its probably the longest running show in the history of indian television!!! Before kkusum was the best thing you could watch - abhay having affairs and constantly cheating on Kkusum - it was so engaging and some people could really relate to her!!! But now I dont even understand wots goin on!!! AJEEB FUNDA YAAR!!! I have to credit all the stars acting though - very naturalistic but IT IS SOOO TYPICAL OF EKTA KAPOOR TO HAVE A S STORY LINE. my word this woman really knows how to make sum1 fall asleep. ok sumtimes Kkusum is intriguing - but whats the point when it gets ruined by some dorky scripts. I dont think E.K even bothers to read critics of her work - if she did perhaps she would get sum better results!!!
at least its better than any of the shows on star plus - one word of advice if u r thinking of suscribing to Star TV...DONT WASTE UR MONEY!!! if u do...well god help u!!! you will get hooked on rubbish and regret u ever spent ur money!!! spend the money on a treat for urself!!!