After reading all the negative reviews regarding KLM, I was a little apprehensive regarding my long journey to India. I decided not to set my expectations too high and try to make the best of any situation that should arise. I had flown with KLM previously in 1993. At that time, I recall the flight itself as very pleasant and air stewards as being friendly and polite. But this is 2006 and things may have changed since then...My journey was from Toronto to Amsterdam to Hyderabad, India. I checked in by Internet Check-in at Toronto. At the airport, I was greeted by a friendly check-in person who saw that I had checked in by the Internet and said that more people should take advantage of that option as it speeds up the process. I proceeded to put my luggage on the weighing scale, and found that each one of the suitcases was below the maximum amount of 22kg. She said have a pleasant flight and I was on my way to Amsterdam. On board the 747, I found the seat to be fairly comfortable. I had an aisle seat, so it was easy to get in and out. The air stewards were walking around and helping people put their carry-on baggage in the overhead bins, all the while with pleasant, smiling faces. Once we were seated, they came around and gave us a hot wet cloth with a pleasant scent to wipe our hands and face. These cloths were handed out to us numerous times throughout the flight. Soon afterwards, they brought us drinks and a snack. The dinner was ok, nothing spectacular, but I was not expecting a gourmet meal. They handed out drinks from time to time. Also, the drinks and small snacks were always available in the galley. The flight from Amsterdam to Hyderabad was on a MD-11. The seats were not as comfortable, and more cramped than in the 747. Both of these aircraft, do not have any personal IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) devices. This was a disadvantage, but not a major one. We had to look at the monitors in the aisles for any information. There are numerous monitors situated along the aisles, so one was always in view.
In Hyderabad, one of our suitcases arrived with a belt around it. It seems that the lock had opened, so someone had put a belt around the case. Nothing was missing from the case. We had put our handy cam in this case, but it was not damaged. The lock was not broken on the suitcase, but it was not closed properly which is why it opened. It was very nice of someone to tie a belt around it.
On the return journey, in Hyderabad airport, all the KLM people were directed to the KLM desks which were in an airconditioned section of the airport. The staff were great, smiling and very professional. The KLM staff at the boarding gate made sure that people needing assistance and those with kids were given priority for boarding. Unlike another airline which I have flown (Kuwait Airways), KLM had a strict policy regarding the boarding process. They also handed out the childrens meals before others were served. The childrens meals were handed out in nice colourful boxes with food that kids would enjoy like fruit cups, yogurt, fresh juice. On the flight from Amsterdam to Toronto, the flight arrived almost 1 hour ahead of schedule.
Overall, I was very impressed with the courteous service I received on all points of the journey both forward and back. The flight stewards very pleasant and more than willing to offer any assistance. KLM, you have made another positive impression on me, and I am very glad that I have flown with you again. Keep up the excellent service, I would not hesitate to fly KLM again in the future!