We have an epidentic here in the USA of murdering our own children for convience and it seems to have spread to India as well. This is a very sensitive subject and I hope to have a lot of input from the readers in the comment sections. I am viewing this from an outsiders position, but it is perhaps a subject that needs to breached here at MS.
First off, I must admit, I personally believe life begins at conception and that each life is precious. In simplier terms, Abortion is murder. This is my review and I have taken many unpopular stances but that is my right with freedom of speach in my country(this is a private web site and they can cencor my opinions freely though).
I do hope to discuss this with somewhat rational people if possible though(as I believe most members of MS to be).
Lets get going shall we, I believe the number one componient behind the abortions is sex selection. Females are not valued as highly as males due to the Dowery system( it is suppost to be illegal in India). Many women go and have the sex determined with an ultrasound and if it is XY(female) they choose to abort instead of carring the child to full term.
The dowery system seems to be a very ingrained tradition for the families in India. The father of the bride is to be to responsible to pay the families of the male groom huge sums of money, goods, ect. Often making the brides family broke in the process. Arrainged marriages seem so old fashion here in the United States that we really cant believe that they still exist. But the economic bonds placed on fathers of the fairer sex and the ability to predict the sexes of babies is a dangerious mix. In some areas of India now, there is already a unbalanced mix of male vs. female populations. The males now days are looking at bleak futures without mates. This is the what has happened to China also.
God created Women as help mates to us ugly guys(and I for one thank Him for doing so and excuse me fellows if you think yourselves handsome, /not). My questions to you(please use the comment section) as fellow human beings, what would life be like without that special one called a wife? I was 27 years old when I got married and prayed for a wife for years(yes God hears and answers prayers in his own time). I know being lonely. Why would one want to keep a tradition of Dowery when the end results is so much devasitation on mankind. I got news for yall people, without my wife I would be one miserible person.
I think this is a subject that really needs attention. Again it is very contraversial, but I do think we can be trusted to mature here and discuss it openly. It may not change minds, but then again it might.
BTW. Making sex selection ultrasounds illegal has not worked. Now most are done underground still. You can not squash tech and expect to dumb down the public. We have to deal with this in real day terms.
The only way in my honest opinion is to stop arrainged marriages and stop the Dowery system. Let people marry for love, not for family name and pride. Yes this is in not the exact proper category for this opinion, but I could not find a perfect fit. I dont care how this is rated but I do care about freedom of speach. Please leave a comment if you have a rational thought or two on this subject.