This movie is a bit old now, and I was feeling board so I watched koyla, I saw koyla in cinemas like a few years back and I couldent remember it, all I remembered was the masive making of the film where it showed shahrukh khan getting lit on fire for real life and running down the rainway track, shahrukh ducking a helicopter that could have killed him, shahrukh brakeing his legs.. And out of all that A flop Movie in total this is where I do not agree.
Koyla might not be the best movie, but if its action you want and action is what you will get, Koyla is a story of a mans and womens journey through the jungles to survive. Shahrukh can not talk becuase he is gunga! they are serviving from amrish puri (yea shahrukh gets to beat up the man that slapped him over 5 times in DDLJ).
But as the jorney through the jungles is half way through and shahrukh and madzs is fighting of puris men, they then get caugh and shahrukh throat gets slitted open and he is thrown of the mountins (madz and kaka puri thinks he is dead) madz is deverstated! and is taken to a whores dancing house and is looked in a room.. (by the way amrish puri is married to madz as amrish puri tricked madz into marrying him, buy not showing his old budha picture but showing shahrukhs picy to madz before they marry) shahrukh is found on a a bunch of trees as a bunch of kid find him. their father takes care of him and finds a chunck of koyla (coal) in shahrukhs throat.... err nasty shahrukh can talk, but along the lines shahrukh finds out it was KAKA puri that stuffed koyla down his throat..
shahrukh is pissed he has to go get madz from hell and back and take revange on puri!
(sorry I dont remember their real name, so sorry and its a bit over the place)
Shahrukh does great
madz scarems like normal and shakes her body a bit (im happy) great tho
puri (bloody phool) he is okay except watching an old man get beaten up aint quite eye candy, nor is shahrukh getting beaten up by a 60 year old. Oh well thats life
Great film
But my review sucks oh well life sucks..