Very recently my mother has been to Kukreja hospital for good 3 days. My mother is suffering from slip disk problem fron last 10 yrs.
Recently her problem got enhance as she was working by bending forward. As father was in police so mother is covered under CGHS medical scheme. She had bwwn in this sitiation from long time so she has pretty good idea about how to deal with itbut still had though about taking advise from good doctors, so she visited this hospital. As soon as they got to know that she is fully covered and its a good chance to make free money. They advise her to get admited for conplete check up. So she agree as she was free. I visited my mother 7 to 8 times during three days stay in hospital.
You all will be surprise to know that she has bone related problem so all three days no doctor from bone department visited my mother and a regular medicine doctor was visuting twice a day, which was of no use.
On asking for a specialsed bone doctor, they always avoid us that he is busy or will visit next. Afterwauting for good three days, we decided to leave the hospital. While collecting the reports we got to know that they have included all thosereports as well which they never conducted like, urine report, MRI and few more. On asking about this no was there to expain that. They are just cheating the insurance companies and govt agencies to make fake money. Sheme on this hospital.
Please never go this hospital.