Hi.Friends, I watched lot of Advertisement Of Magnum Ice cream.The advertisement impressive and want to buy it.And test It.
I ate his 3 Flavor Plan, Caramel and another one was Almond.Its very nice For test.
The Magnum was not melt fast.Its melt but got some time that You can ate it.Otherwise the children cant eat Ice cream in Summer cause of fast melting. Half will through or melt due to Summer.But Magnum cant melt fast like others.
So, Kids get Happy and to taste Magnum.They can Enjoyed it even I am also.
Its having proper test, Thickness is also Good.and test is best.
Its get proper satisfaction of eating Ice cream.(Man trupt Hot)
But its very costly.Not affordable for all.and all time for all family.
Its avibality is also not all over.Its a big Issue.I Want to eat that I was Visited 4, 5 Shops After that I got in 6th.
But I loved it.and like it.