Kyocera prisma is one of the new phones offered with the Tata indicom Non-Stop mobile offer. Non-stop offer lets u recieve free incoming calls for 2 years without recharging. That means u can keep your balance the same and carry it to the next month and so on till 2 years and still make outgoing calls!! There are four phones that has this offer and they are SAMSUNG NEO, INDICOM ACE, INDICOM STAR AND OF COURSE THIS MOBILE! U can recharge with any of the 5 recharge denominations (Rs.50, Rs.110, Rs.180, Rs.330, and Rs.350) and enjoy 100% talktime. The Rs.180 and Rs.350 comes under the talk more plan which offers free unlimited calls to any local tata mobile, Re.1/min to other local mobile phones, Re.2/min to landline phones and Re.3/min for making STD calls( also called 0123 plan). So u would obviously go for this plan rather than the standard plan( Rs.50, Rs.110, Rs.330) which charges u 5ps/sec for making calls to any local mobile or landline which sums up to Rs.3/min and no free calls tata mobile!Ok guys so if u like this offer then I recommend u to go for it! But u have to act fast because the offer ends on 30th November 2005.
I bought kyocera Prisma on 17th october, two days after the launch of the non stop mobile offer. This phone has a colour display, polyphonic ringtones, and basic functions like Alarm, scheduler, world clock, timer and stop watch. First I was excited seeing that it had brew in it but later got dissapointed because it was not activated. I called the customer care and asked them how to activate it, they gave me instructions but it wouldnt work! My friend had a kyocera Phantom phone which he purchased in january this year, it had brew activated in it and it also has a web browser. My phone doesnt has web browser but its still better as u get this irresistible offer! Two days later problems cropped in! My cell would go off after after being kept idle for 1 min. I took it back to the dealer from whom I purchased this phone and got it repaired. The reason? well the software had a misinstruction fed into it which made the mobile go off after 1 min! This is what the dealer said to me! But after two days the same problem again! I finally got it replaced and now its working fine. well u would ask WHAT ABOUT THE BALANCE? well I got it transferred from the old to this one. But another problem cropped in! The problem was that initially u get a balance of Rs.50 when u buy this phone and when I got my older balance of Rs.318 (originally Rs.350, after deduction of Rs.32 as service tax)+Rs50 (initial balance)= Rs.368 transferred to this phone I lost the benefit that this recharge denomination was to offer me! (not told to me earlier by the dealer!) and the tariff associated with the Rs.50 denomination was still active! Later I came to know that u get the benefit only if u recharge by the Rs.180 or Rs.350 and not by transfer of account! (as told by customer care). So I bought another recharge card of Rs.180 and I finally the problem got solved!
This Phone has a good set of features like group messaging and u can even add emoticons to the SMS. Button layout is very good, and comfortable. Polyphonic ringers are not so good and the alarm is not very audible. The world clock displayes around 70 cities of the world and there is also a search function to it. This is a no-frills phone as it doesnt offer services like 8887/8888. 8282 from TATA is the only service that u get for this phone from which u can get your daily news, jokes, stocks, astrology, numerology, etc. If somehow u get brew activated in this phone then u can download wallpapers, ringtones etc. This phone can store 200 phone numbers and 50 SMSs. The standby time for this phone is 150 hrs and talktime is 3 hrs. But the problem is that this phone takes a lot of time to charge (nearly 4 hrs). This phone is slim and comfortable to hold in hand.
Well u would ask whats the price then? well its just Rs.3250 with free incoming for 2 years! and if one of your friends uses a tata mobile then u can enjoy free TATA to TATA calls for 2 years! ( refer to tariffs in the first paragraph)
So guys its like what the AD says DO SAAL THAK CHAL CHALA CHAL!!!
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