I have been insisting this in all my reviews about the music in films.Those who have read my review on 10 best themes would feel some of the content of this review as a repetition.I Love the good themes in the films than the songs with https://lyrics.Anyway the songs are really extraordinay with nativity and lyrics by javed akthar and both of them deserve national award for the movie.
It is difficult to convey the feel in the music without any lyrics and I also consider the scoring background for a movie is more difficult than scoring a song. I expect a lot more from our musicians.why nobody is releasing background score of movies as cassettes/cd’s in indian films as done in hollywood films. Some of the movie’s background score are really outstanding and LAGAAN is one among that I need them to be translated in cassette/cd format and ARR have really worked hard for three months to score the background for the movie.
1)The title music of the movie which is fusion of flute, percussion beats and violin.The title music conveys the emotions of the film like initially the peaceful life of the farmers in the village and the english people with flute , some seriousness to follow using the percussion beats blended with flute.
2)The music when amir runs to distrub the deer and protect it from the hunters.The music gives tehe feel of the scene when music runs as fast as amir runs on the screen with lot of instuments sounding with a well composed notes.
3)Every time Elizabeth appears on the screen an English tune with flute will sound in the background.Especially when Elizabeth escapes from the palace in a horse to teach them cricket.And also when elizabeth comes to the plains to teach them cricket everyone will starr at her like seeing an angel down to earth.
4)The music when gori feels jealousy on Elizabeth in the scene where elizabeth explains about the game .
5)Then the Waltz for romance that luckily had its place in the album as it is composed like a song well before the movie ahs been shoot.It is well orchestrated with voilin and other stringed instruments used thosedays.
6)The percussion instruments are used well in the background when that heavily bearded person with a sitar in his hand comes to bowl fultas balls.
7)the music when one guy swings his arm more than once to release a ball while bowling.
8)The music when lakha(Raka) the cunning guy cathces the ball in the second day of the match adn runs to bhuvan shouting bhuvan....................
9)The music when the dumb guy with drums, catch the ball finally after two or three misses before, he will run around the ground with his hands acting like beating the drums .
10)The music when tipu is fixed as byrunner for ismail and he runs so many runs and the tempo is increased with percussions again as runs increase and the music is suddenly stoped when he was stumped when tipu run out of the grease before the bowler releases the ball.
11)once upon a time in India
It is the theme music used all through the movie, the music starts with sweet humming of anuradha sriram and followed by grand orchestration with harmony, violin and percussions. The music is well used when Captain Russell comes to see the farmers practicing cricket during which each one will come and stand in an order looking at the captain Russell, a lot of confidence will be seen in the eyes of the farmers. The camera moves as the eyes of captain and when he sees Elizabeth standing last the music ends with a stroke of drumbeat. Excellent scene in which music speaks volumes of the emotion of the characters.
12)the background score in the climax
It is also great background score which blends the music of ’’Mitwa’’ song for the joy of victory, the music of ’’khale mega’’ song for the arrival of rain using harmony, the music of ’’chori’’ for the love between bhuvan and gowri, and music for the disappointment of elizabeth while seeing bhuvan hugging gowri and the anger of captain Russell in the end.What a complete music.This I consider as one of the best background score.
I need all these background scores to be compiled as an album.